Friday 24 September 2010

Learning in class

Over the last few lessons in media. We have been looking at Target audience, and how the media uses people to be attracted to their certain product or advert by just simply aiming it at a target market of their choice. When looking at this we have been looking at what kind of adverts magazines use to attract different people to buy and read their magazines.

Specifically I have been looking at NME below is an image of their masthead:
It is clear from the mast head that the magazine is aimed at older teenagers and above. I would say that the age range is from about 17-28. I can tell this by the colours that are used because they are not very colourful and vibrant. The colours are very basic. Also there is a person that is over the magazine masthead which you can clearly see. This shows that the magazine is saying that this celebrity is really important and there interview should not be missed. From the data I have collected from this magazine I would say that this magazine is mainly aimed at a male audience, I think this because mostly all of the adverts within NME are typically aimed at males, there are some adverts that can be seen as for both gendas. The adverts are mainly about albums and video games. The 1st advert in the magazine is a 4 page advert about Halo Reach which is a video game that is mostly played by a male audience.
The NME magazine is a very stylish magazine and is also aimed at people who have an interest in music in general. NME is mostly about music that is in the present time but also produces some articles on older bands. You can also see the magazine is aimed at mostly men because the colour scheme used on the front cover is colours that you would stereotypically think as colours that a male audience would like. When the NME is produced they have a certain target market this also means that they study their target audience (Demographics) to understand how to attract a certain type of person so that they can make the most money. By doing this they also study the way people think (Psychographics).
When NME study demographics they mainly look at what kind of interests and potential spending bracket people have the reason for this is because they need to know what to write in the next issue of NME and also what adverts to include in their magazine so that the magazine will attract customers. Lastly they look at peoples potential spending brackets because they need to see how much people can pay for the products they advertise in their magazine for example they mostly use albums that are not so popular which means that they will cost  a lot less than many publicised albums.

I have also been looking at top of the pops magazine I have an image of their masthead below:

It is clear to me that this magazine is aimed at a younger age group then NME. I say this because the colours are very vibrant and sparkly. This shows that it is aimed at young teenagers i would say this magazine is aimed at people aged 10-15
The top of the pops magazine is a magazine that is primarily aimed at teenage girls, the reason I say this is because of the colour scheme and adverts within the actual magazine, Also the adverts are all about makeup and sanitary towels, which indicates the magazine, is aimed at young teenagers.
When top of the pops study demographics they mainly look at what kind of interest’s young teenagers have, and also what kind of spending young teenagers will have for example pocket money. They need to know the interests of young teenagers because they need to make sure that they put the appropriate pictures and extras that come with the magazine to ensure they are appealing to as many people as they can. Lastly they look at the potential spending of these young teenagers because the adverts that they put in the magazine are for example advertising make up. When choosing what make up to put in the adverts or other write ups they need to make sure that the makeup is appropriate for girls of the target market and also need to make sure it isn’t too expensive because then they would be advertising stuff that these teenagers could not get, so that would not be effective advertising.

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