Sunday 21 November 2010

Conventions of a music magazine

 It is clear that when producing a magazine there are certain ways media presents the content, when making my magazine I followed the usual conventions a music magazine would follow. I kept my magazine more of a masculine magazine, and in doing this I used a male artist on the front.
However, the magazine I was potentially aspiring to follow used a woman on the front of their magazine, yet as you can see it’s quite a masculine pose.
As you can see, the Name is not the main feature, and the artists name is in massive bold red writing, They have used a large dominant icon who people recognize who is giving eye contact, her outfit even fits in with the colour scheme of the magazine front cover, which follows, Red, white, grey and black.
I followed this convention on my magazine, tying all the colours together to create a theme itself. My theme was Rap Artists; because of this the colours I chose to fit in with the scheme was red black and white. The main writing follows down the left hand side, I also decided to follow this technique to make it look like a believable magazine. There are 2 people featured on the front page of the magazine because, you have to show there are more people included, Names of other bands are also used to show the magazine entails more than the main character, because some of the audience may not be a Madonna fan, they have to appeal to everybody in one way to sell more magazines, Teasing contents. I also incorporated more than one artist, as you can also see when it mentions interview; it has a humorous quote from Madonna which shows the magazine isn’t completely serious and entails more fun than a boring interview.
The bar code is placed at the right hand side, which you will find with a lot of magazines. The price is usually shown small as if not a big issue and worth the money. And also something free is usual given away etc, free poster in this case it’s a 70 page special about women in music.

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