Tuesday 2 November 2010

Evaluation of prelim task

In this evalaution I will be talking about the Prelim Task I have completed. The main subjects I will be talking about in this evaluation are:
  • The masthead
  • strapline
  • colour scheme
  • target audience
I am now going to start my evaluation.
I will start with the masthead of my magazine first.
I have chosen my masthead for a number of reasons the first reason being that I think it is an appropriate design and also a good font that represents how the magazine is aimes at. I included the football as the o in Sports because I thought I would give people a clear idea of what the magazine was about before they saw anything else on the magazine. This also makes the masthead a bit different and not simple and plain.

I used a unique strapline to enhance my magazine. "For the sporty person in all of us" This doesnt only just draw in one type of audience its opening up the target audience because people that might not have thought they was that sporty. May realise that this magazine is for them aswell and start to get into sport.

Colour Scheme
I have chosen a stereotypical colour scheme that represents boys. The main colours included in the magazine are red and blue these a stereotypically boys favourite colours. As my magazine is a sports magazine I am stereotypically aiming the magazine at boys. Girls could also be interested in the magazine if they are into sports.
Target Audience
The main target audience my magazine is aimed at is teenage boys of the ages of between 12-17. The reason why  have chosen boys to aim my magazine at is because most boys are interested in sports. Where as hardly any girls are interested in sport. I have also chose to aim it at the age group I stated because I feel that between that age boys are very interested in sports and also at this age boys are trying many different sports.

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