Tuesday 9 November 2010

Magazine analysis


Kerrang is targeted to people with an interest in rock music around the ages of
14-24 years old. For this particular issue it could also attract fans of the “You Me At
Six” as the front man of the band is the main image on the cover. The magazine has a
large circulation with Australian and Spanish publications. Also the magazine claims
to be the “World’s biggest selling rock weekly”.
The use of the main image on the front cover of a magazine s to attract the
readers view and to make the magazine stand out off of the shelves. On the front over
of this issue is the frontman of the band “You me at six”. The image bleeds from top
to bottom to give him an intimidating presence. But he is also seen with a grinning
smile which represents a cheery side to the magazine. The cover also uses a rule of
thirds involving an important section of the cover in each section required.

Kerrang is a music magazine which mainly specialises in rock music and is
commonly known for covering all the latest bands and the most popular bands around
the music scene at the current time. Kerrang is published by Bauer Media Group a
large global institution. Bauer Media Group also publishes the music magazine “Q”
which specialises in a range of Alternative music. Bauer Media Group also runs
several music channels.

The placement and visual look of the title is very important so that the reader
knows what magazine they are buying. “Kerrang” is situated right at the very top of
the cover so that it is easy to see. The lettering of the title is broken like glass to give a
representation of rebellion and vandalism

The colour and font of the magazine cover is a risky part of the magazine
cover. If it is too bright it can be very off putting to buy and it maybe difficult to read
any text situated on the front cover. If it is too dull and boring then it won’t stand out
to the reader and it won’t get a large circulation. The cover uses very plain and
standard colours but it makes them contrast off the main image and backgrounds to
make text and other items to stand out.

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