Tuesday 2 November 2010

Photoshop / iphoto

In this post I will be describing what I have created using 2 programs called:
  • Photoshop
  • iphoto
When i was creating my magazine the main program I was using was photoshop I started off by creating the Masthead. Once i found the name for my masthead I then went about chosing a font to make sure that it looked appealing. I then started to add all the sentances and straplines that will entice my target audience. Once I had got all the words that I was happy with on my front cover I then decided to customise the layers. To customise the layers I added colour overaly to all my text to make sure the colour was perfect. I also a background layer behind the text to make sure that the text was highlighted as best it could be. I then applied the picture behind all the text to highlight the text even more. This picture is supposed to represent the magazine and as the magazine is aimed at boys. I decided that it was important to have a male figure on the front page. I then lastly applied an artistic filter to the photo to make the magazine look unique and interesting.
I used iphoto to upload my original pictures that I used in my magazine. I uploaded the pictures via the camera that I took the pictures with. This piece of software helped me with all my photos and allowed me to take my pictures from iphoto on to photoshop.

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